What Happens in a Contact Lens Exam?

What Happens in a Contact Lens Exam?

What Happens in a Contact Lens Exam?

Are you considering switching from eyeglasses to contact lenses? You want the freedom of contact lenses, but first, you want to know what happens during the exam. Get the scoop so you’ll be ready when you visit the eye doctor.


Visual Exam


Your contact lens exam begins with a visual exam. Your optometrist needs to check your vision to determine your prescription. This is the same visual exam you receive when getting eyeglasses. Expect to look at charts and go through tests to determine your visual acuity.


Contact Lens Fitting


Many people are surprised to learn that they need to undergo a contact lens fitting before getting lenses. Your eye doctor needs to take measurements, so your lenses fit properly. This is quick and painless, and it won’t be long before you walk out the door with new lenses.

First, your optometrist will use a keratometer to measure the curvature of your cornea. If your cornea has a standard curvature, you can wear a standard lens. However, if the curvature is abnormal, you have astigmatism and need a toric lens. This lens can correct your astigmatism.

You will also need to undergo a tear film evaluation. This sounds very complex, but it’s actually easy. Your eye doctor will put drops in your eyes and evaluate the tears. If your eyes produce normal tears, you can use standard lenses. However, if you have dry eyes, your optometrist will recommend lenses that lubricate the eyes.

Depending on your needs, your optimist might run additional tests as well. For instance, if you’re considering gas permeable contacts, your optometrist will need to measure the size of your pupils. This ensures you get the right fit when choosing specialized lenses.


Choosing a Lens Type


After your optometrist evaluates your eyes, it’s time to choose your contacts. You have lots of options, including daily wear and disposal lenses, as well as rigid gas permeable lenses. Your optometrist will discuss the pros and cons of the different options and help you choose based on your prescription.


Trying the Lenses


Now it’s finally time to try your new lenses. Your optometrist has trial prescriptions on hand so you can put some in immediately. Once your contacts are in, your optometrist will examine the fit and you will provide feedback. Let the eye doctor know if the lenses aren’t comfortable. While it might take a second to get used to the lenses, they should be comfortable. If they aren’t, your optometrist can recommend another type.

Then, your eye doctor will show you how to insert and take out the lenses, and how to care for them. By the time you leave the office, you’ll have a prescription in hand and know how to take care of your contact lenses.


Are you getting excited about your contact lens exam? Don’t delay any longer in getting contacts. Today’s Vision in Laguna Niguel, California, is here to help you with your new lenses. Call us at 949-518-0055 to schedule an appointment.

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