When Should My Child Start Pediatric Vision Care?

When Should My Child Start Pediatric Vision Care?

When Should My Child Start Pediatric Vision Care?

As a parent, you need to understand that taking care of your child’s health will have long-term effects. Preventive health care helps ensure that the child is healthy and happy. This care should not stop with the physical body but must also include the eyes. 

You should not wait until your child has a vision issue before scheduling an eye examination. Find out when your child should start pediatric vision care. 

Children’s Vision Problems

Children’s vision problems are common. Researchers suggest that up to 25 percent of school-going children and 10 percent of preschoolers suffer from vision disorders. Many of the vision problems can affect the child’s ability to learn effectively. 

Most vision issues do not have obvious symptoms. The problems are not usually detected during regular vision screenings. To ensure that your child has the visual skills necessary for development, visit a pediatric eye doctor.

Protecting Your Child’s Vision

Regarding taking care of your child’s eye health, you need to know that vision screening is not enough. Most school-going children go through regular vision screenings. While it is true that the screenings are necessary, they do not cover everything about eye health. 

The screenings can miss eye problems that can affect your child’s learning and eyesight. The American Optometric Association suggests that screenings offer less than four percent of the information revealed by a comprehensive eye exam. 

Starting Pediatric Vision Care

AOA recommends that children should get their first comprehensive eye examination at six months old. Most pediatric eye doctors will recommend that infants get the initial eye exam before they turn two. This is especially important if there is a family history of an eye issue or suspicion of an eye problem. 

The child should get the next eye exam at three years old and then before starting first grade. School-going children should get eye exams every two years or annually where vision correction is needed.

Signs Your Child Needs Vision Care

Some signs can indicate that your child has some vision issues. If your child fails to pass a vision screening or if the results are inconclusive, visit a pediatric eye doctor. Other signs are your child is complaining about vision or if you observe some abnormal visual behavior. 

If your child has a medical condition such as neurofibromatosis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Down syndrome, or prematurity, eye exams are essential.

Detecting and Treating Vision Issues

Regular pediatric vision care can help protect your child from developing eye issues. The care can also help with early detection and effective treatment of many eye issues. Do you have a family history of eye issues such as the lazy eye (amblyopia) and crossed or misaligned eyes (strabismus)? 

If so, your child will need regular exams from an early age. Exams are also important if there is a history of refractive errors and other eye conditions.

To know when your child should start pediatric vision care, visit Today’s Vision at our office in Laguna Niguel, California. You can call (949) 518-0055 today to schedule an appointment.

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