Why Bring in Your Child for Routine Eye Exams?

Why Bring in Your Child for Routine Eye Exams?

Why Bring in Your Child for Routine Eye Exams?

A yearly eye exam is necessary for every child. While a vision screening test is included in every well-child visit, this eye exam is not comprehensive. The American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus says that a vision screening can never replace a routine eye exam. If you want to understand why you should bring your child in for routine eye exams, here’s what you should know.


Vision Screenings Are Insufficient


With standard vision screenings, the primary goal is to identify only evident issues in eyesight based on certain activities, such as reading road signs. Even so, most people think that passing vision screenings at school are enough to confirm good eyesight. If you bring your child in for routine eye exams yearly, you will be certain about your child’s eye and vision health. These exams are conducted by licensed eye doctors with specialized equipment and techniques.


Eye Health Can Reveal Certain Medical Conditions


Routine eye exams can help spot any health conditions developing in your child. Blood vessels in your child’s retina can show signs of certain diseases such as diabetes. After the exam, you can then go to a specialist who can start your child’s treatments immediately.


Good Eyesight Is Crucial for Learning


A large percentage of learning needs a good vision. Your child must see clearly while reading a book, writing notes, or following a lecture on the whiteboard. Good eyesight is also important for safety outside the classroom during sports, play, or exploratory activities. With the pandemic still at large, the majority of classes are done online. For your child to keep up, you should keep your child’s appointments for routine eye exams.


Eye Health Should Last a Lifetime


Your child’s eyes are new to this world. You must help take care of them while they are still very young. Bringing your child in for a routine eye exam can help start good eye care habits for your child. Any vision or eye issues can be treated early with a yearly eye check as well.


Myopia Is an Epidemic


Because of near-work school and leisure activities, more children are developing myopia. This is made worse by more up-close screen time for online schoolwork on their tablets and computers. Near-work activities lengthen your child’s eyes. This helps them focus more on the objects near them, making them more vulnerable to developing nearsightedness. Take note that a child who has myopia is likely to develop more serious eye conditions later in life.


Children Cannot Tell If They Have Eye Problems


Your child is still learning about the world. Children who have eye and vision problems usually think that they don’t have issues at all. This is because they have no point of reference. With routine eye exams, your child will know how it is to see clearly.

Overall optic health is crucial for your child’s optimal growth and development. At Today’s Vision, we always make sure that our extensive pediatric eye exams are relaxing, fun, and pleasant. Please visit our clinic in Laguna Niguel, California, for a one-on-one consultation. You can also call us at 949-518-0055. That way, we can help schedule your appointment or answer your questions about our pediatric routine eye exams.





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