Myopia Management

Myopia Management

Myopia Management


It’s not a word that most people use every day, but myopia is becoming an increasingly more common condition.

It is nearsightedness, or the inability to see objects clearly at a distance.

When it comes to the prevalence of myopia, the statistics are staggering. In the U.S. alone, more than 40 percent of Americans have myopia and that number is increasing at an alarming rate, especially among school-aged children.

The reason for its escalation has been linked to two factors:
Genetics Children with one or two myopic parents are more likely to be myopic.Lifestyle Children who spend more time on activities like reading or using handheld devices instead of spending time outdoors are more likely to become myopic.



MiSight 1 day is the first and only contact lens FDA-approved*to slow the progression of myopia in children aged 8-12 at the initiation of treatment. Children can apply the soft, daily wear, single use contact lenses to their eyes in the morning, wear them for at least 10 hours during the day, then dispose of them in the evening.
MiSight 1 day is an award-winning dual-focus soft contact lens that uses ActivControl™ Technology to slow the elongation of the eyeball.

Learn more about Myopia Management here:


People with myopia can see well close-up, but not in the distance.In the U.S., 40 percent of kids have myopia today, compared with 20 percent just 30 years ago.

In many Asian countries, up to 90 percent of kids are myopic. Studies show that a low-dose of atropine, typically given as eye drops at bedtime, can significantly slow the progression of myopia in children, preventing severe near-sightedness.

Myopia isn’t reversible and kids treated with low-dose atropine still need glasses. But in most cases, their near-sightedness doesn’t get nearly as bad as it does for kids who haven’t received the treatment.

People with myopia are at greater risk for later-in-life eye conditions such as glaucoma and macular degeneration. Trying low-dose atropine during childhood could have a long-term benefit.

For more information and /or to schedule a consultation please call our office.

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